Target Birthday

It was my mom’s birthday on Saturday, so I came over and had dinner with her and then spent the night at her house. (She always seems to appreciate when I do this. She worries about me traveling alone at night, and I’d imagine she gets lonely in her apartment by herself.) She left for work early the next morning, and I stuck around until she got back in the afternoon so we could continue the birthday fun.

“Do you want to go to Target?” I asked her.

After mulling it over for a bit, she responded cheerfully, “I don’t need anything, but okay! We can get some exercise!” We gathered some reusable tote bags and headed out.

On the walk there, she marveled, “If we weren’t doing this, I’d probably be going to sleep right now!” (Mind you, this was, like, 3pm.)

My mom decided to shop for a coffeemaker because she wanted a change from her usual instant blends, and she’d noticed a coworker who brought her own coffee to work in the morning. At Target, I helped her find a machine, some filters, and two kinds of coffee. I convinced her to get a black carafe versus a white one, because it hides stains better. I explained the difference between espresso and regular grounds. I want to say I impressed her with how expertly I navigated Target.

Back at my mom’s apartment, I assembled the coffeemaker and persuaded her to finally change the filter in her Brita pitcher so that she could forego the proprietary-and-optional-looking water filter that came with the machine – a win for cleanliness, efficiency, and for my mom’s self-care. I transcribed, in bigger letters, the ratio of water to coffee grounds as prescribed by Mr. Coffee.

And if those ratios are off, hoo boy, will Target’s customer reviews hear from ME.

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